About: lishitong
Recent Posts by lishitong
Tencent Wins First Game License in 18 Months
Chinese tech and gaming giant Tencent has been awarded its first license for a video game in 18 months. This comes after the Chinese authorities started its wide-reaching crackdown on big tech companies, implementing legislation like limiting the amount of time children could spend playing games, and freezing the approval of new titles. Beijing hasContinue Reading
Written on November 21, 2022 at 2:44 am
Categories: Weekly Outlook
Why Is Gold Volatility So High?
While gold remains a highly liquid asset with hundreds of billions worth traded everyday, understanding gold volatility is key to successfully trading it. To be more successful in gold trading, a good understanding of gold volatility would, more often than not, help gold traders make more informed decisions. Hence, you may want to check outContinue Reading
Written on November 18, 2022 at 8:48 am
Categories: Trading Blog
토요일 시스템 점검 안내
고객님께 : 2022년 11월 19일 토요일, 11:00 – 15:00 (GMT+2) 해당 시간 동안 가상화폐 유동성 공급 시스템에 대한 보수 작업이 진행될 예정입니다. 해당 점검 기간 동안 가상화폐에 대한 유동성이 떨어지거나 일시적으로 거래가 불가 할 수 있습니다. 가상화폐 상품 거래 시간은 2022년 11월 19일 (토) 02:00-24:00 (GMT+2) 정상적으로 개장을 유지합니다. 만약, 문의사항이 있으시거나 도움이 필요하시다면, 실시간Continue Reading
Written on November 18, 2022 at 6:53 am
Categories: 新闻公告
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