
About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

PUPRIME시스템 점검 안내

고객님께 : 안녕하세요, PUPRIME에서 시스템 시간 기준 2022년1월15일00:00 (GMT+2)에서 16:59(GMT+2)까지 MT4/MT5서버 업데이트 및 점검을 진행합니다. 해당 점검 기간 내에는 모든 MT4/MT5거래 계좌와 데모 계좌에 접속이 불가하나, 매매 포지션 주문에는 영향을 주지 않으며, MT4/MT5계좌 로그인 정보는 변경되지 않습니다. MT4/MT5계좌 개설 신청, 입 출금, 데이터 보기 등의 기능은 그대로 사용할 수 있지만 데이터 동기화가 다소 지연될 수Continue Reading

Fed Expected to Expedite Rate Hikes as US CPI Beats Expectations

On January 12 (Wednesday) afternoon (GMT+2), the United States announced its year-on-year, not seasonally-adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI) for December. US CPI rose 7% in 2021, the largest 12-month gain since 1982, according to data released by the Labor Department. CPI rose 0.5% month-on-month in December, slightly beating the market expectations of 0.4%. The strongContinue Reading

What To Look Out For When Picking A Forex Broker

Some Features That A Good Forex Broker Would Have It is important to choose the right forex broker for a more effective forex trading experience. Read this article to find out some of the features that a good forex broker would have. The Cost of Trading: Spreads, Fees, and Swap Rates to Engage with theContinue Reading

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