Monthly Archives: February 2025
CFD Rollover Notice for March
Written on February 27, 2025 at 6:48 am, by
Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly. Expiration dates: Please note: The rolloverContinue Reading
3월 선물계약만기일안내
Written on February 27, 2025 at 6:21 am, by alanzhu
고객님께 : 안녕하세요, PU Prime 3월물 선물 상품의 만기일이 다가옵니다. 선물 상품은 월물 계약 사이에 가격 차이가 발생 하므로잠재적인 거래 위험을 피하기 위해 포지션을 적절하게 관리 할 것을 건의드립니다. 선물 계약의 롤오버 일정은 다음과 같습니다: 주의사항: 롤오버 기간은 자동으로 계약이 연장되어, 모든 보유중인 포지션은 기존 상태를 유지하여 새 계약으로 연기됩니다. 신규 계약 개시 전에, 보유Continue Reading
Dollar Subdue Ahead of Tomorrow PCE

Written on February 27, 2025 at 5:45 am, by
Market Summary The market had its attention on Nvidia’s earnings report, which was released after market close. The company’s optimistic forecast fueled a strong post-market rally in its share price, potentially setting the stage for a broader rebound in the U.S. equity market. Investors are now awaiting today’s U.S. GDP data, which could provide furtherContinue Reading